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List Of Best WordPress Plugins of 2024 That Every Blogger Must Have

best wordpress plugin

A Good and feature plugin are always good for WordPress. Often beginners get confused when trying to pick the best WordPress plugins for it so many that are available. After a 3 day research, I build a list of best WordPress plugins of 2024. These plugins are full fill the basic need of all the new blogger.

best wordpress plugins 2016
List of best WordPress Plugin in 2016

List of Best WordPress Plugins of 2024

Every website is different from another, so it if difficult to put all the plugin in a one list. Here is a list of the best WordPress plugins that every blogger, business-commerce ecommerce website must have to bulid his website.

For Writing Content

There is a lot of plugins that helps you to write a content. For example, if you want to add Table, Special Character, Superscript, different Formate etc, there is one plugin for one function. But, Today I will tell you some awesome and best WordPress plugin, that cover as much as the function you need.

When you open New Post, you will see a list of default feature (Visual Editor toolbar) for writing content. This basic tool that every blogger should have!

post editing default function in wordpress
default function

In some case, this tool is not enough to write a content then blogger approach to its first plugin called TinyMCE Advanced. This plugin adds a lot of new features to write content in better ways. When you use this plugin you will find a lot of new feature in it.

New Feature for editing post in wordpress
New Feature

The second one is Advanced Image Styles. This plugin is useful that blogger, who write a tutorial and add a lot of image in it like me. Sometimes when I add an image in the content. It is a little bit difficult for me to separate image from the content. See the screenshot for better understanding.

Image mix with words difcult to understand
Image mix with words

If you are a visitor and you face a problem to read a content, According to research 50 out of 100 visitors will never come back to your site. Help your visitor to differentiate between image and Content.

Now the third most important plugin is Ultimate Nofollow.

Ultimate Nofollow plugin wallaper
Ultimate Nofollow

By default, WordPress has not “rel nofollow” option but after installing this plugin you will see real nofollow link attribute during anchor text making.

Rel nofollow Tag in archer text
Rel nofollow Tag

Let me explains, why this is important.  According to the backlink theory, Whenever we make an external link with another website means mention someone web site in my content then I’m actually passing my SEO points to another website.

In simple language, I’m passing my website SEO point professionally called link juice to another website. To save your link juice you can place nofollow meta tag to stop pass link juice.

Nofollow meta tag tells the google, no need to follow that link means no need to pass link juice.

Note: – If you make all external link as nofollow then your website is isolated from the web. Use nofollow meta tag to the Adult site, Gambling site, Low-quality website and make a normal link to other websites. Read more about “nofollow no index meta tag” to clean the concept.

Now the third plugin is yoast SEO. The most important plugin for a website to control the SEO activity and to write the SEO optimized content. I can’t cover this plugin within one article. You need to learn everything about SEO to understand the each function of this plugin.

yoast SEO plugin
yoast SEO plugin

But for the beginner level site owner, I recommended only learn ” write SEO optimize content and optimize category and Tag with yoast SEO plugin to avoid mistake and perform well on the website. Here is a list of some function of the yoast plugin

  1. Help to deal with canonical Error
  2. Verify site with search engine
  3. Make URL SEO friendly
  4. Generate XML sitemap
  5. HTML Duplicate Title Tag

So this is the list of the best WordPress plugins that help you to write the content for the website.

For Website And SEO

The backup of the website is important for every blogger. If a digital world content is everything. If you lose your content or work you lose everything. Every content, work, creation take the time to build but destroy just in a second. There are a lot of reason to crash down the site like Natural Disaster, Server Crash, Hacker etc. So it is important to take a backup time of time and save it.

For the backup UpdraftPlus – Backup/Restore is best and free plugin. Updraft helps you to take backup to store it online and offline.

Updraft backup plugin wallpaper
Updraft backup

The nice feature of this plugin is that if someone you can restore your backup. For example, Before doing everything new experiment on my website. I always take a backup of my website because if experiment went wrong or fail then I can restore the backup to fix the damage.

Restore Backup in updraft plugin
Restore Backup

Note: – You can store Up to only two backups in a free version.

Wp super fast cache or W3 Total Cache is the best WordPress plugins for a cache. Cache plugin helps you to deliver you content fast. It stores the copy of your cached version of the page and when every next time user wants to open your article this plugin provides him a cached version of the page. In this way, the load on your server is reduced and your user can load your content very fast.

The third plugin is Lazy Load. It also helps your WordPress site load faster and saves bandwidth. By replacing most images on your site with a placeholder, the plugin loads the content as it gets close to entering the browser screen when a visitor scrolls the page. The plugin works for all post images, thumbnails, gravatar images, and content frames. Other images within your site can also be included by using a delivered function.

The fourth one is, For reduce the size of the page by reducing the size of an image. This plugin is called WP Smush. It reduces the size the size of the image by deleting the unnecessary data or information like date, location, name etc from the image and also by compressing the size of the image.

Wp smush plugin
Wp smush plugin

If your website is about photography and you want to save this information then you can ON the “Preserve the image EXIF data” under setting

All the plugin on a web to compress the size of the image is work up to a certain limit. So it is better to manually reduce the size of the image before uploading to a website and then use a plugin to get a more well result. You can also SEO optimize the image to get traffic from the image.

The Fifth one is WP-Optimize. This plugin helps you to optimize your website and delete the unnecessary file from the database to increase the space.

wp-optimize plugin
wp-optimize plugin

It is similar to Android applicate called “Clean Master” find and delete the unnecessary file to speed up your mobile phone.

sixth on is WordPress Ping Optimizer. It helps to control your ping. Let me explain what is it?

WordPress ping optimization
WordPress ping optimization

Whenever you publish your article. WordPress send a signal to search engine, this website updates a new post come and index it. By default, WordPress ping only one search engine but you can add the list of latest ping list service in it. So that every search engine know about your post. More Search engine crawls your website means more chance to appear in search result.

Seventh is StarBox is for author box. As we know google is not antonyms more, whenever you publish an article you need to tell google about the author.

star box author box plugin
star box author box plugin

There is a lot of plugins that can do this job for but author box is best and easy to use. By the way, it is a free plugin so that anyone can use this plugin.

Eight one is Broken Link Checker. Broken Link Checker monitors the links found in your posts, pages, comments, and more. The plugin identifies any broken links that no longer work, missing images, or any redirects.

Broken Link Checker
Broken Link Checker

Once broken links are identified on your site, links can be edited directly from the plugin page to avoid manually updating each post. Fixing the broken link means to increase the reputation of your website in an eye of search engine. Let me explain who, suppose your home page can access by different path (means link, article). If some of them are broken google can’t reach your homepage (they can reach through other).

Fix this link so that google can easily crawl (move) your site easily. It is also important for user point of view. When user link on a link and he found nothing (article are deleted or not available ) on that page it creates a negative image in the mind of the visitor.

For User Interaction

There is a lot of free and pro plugin available for user interaction. But the best WordPress plugins for user interaction are,

Contact Form 7 is a free plugin but they also have a pro version. Most of the new blogger love this plugin because it is free. It is a little bit complicated for the new user but after spending some hour on it, Your can easily understand its feature.

Contact form helps you to create a contact form so that you can communicate with your client through email. Maximum time it is used on the ” Contact Us” page. Check Hitechwork contact page.

AddToAny Share Buttons are used to place a “social icon” on the post, page so that your visitor can share with your audience.

For Security

Security of your website is the biggest problem and issue in the digital world. A hacker can do anything just sitting from home. We already cover a lot of thing in WordPress security article. But here is again a little review for the new blogger to focus on WordPress security. The best wordpress plugins are,

Akismet helps to filter out any comments on your blog that look like a spam. The plugin automatically checks comments against the Akismet Web service.

akshmit plugin
Akismet plugin

Generally, hacker uses this trick to get access to your website. Some Blogger also uses this trick to divert traffic from your site to his site by placing a link the comment section. Blogger uses bots to do this job. Compete after of your niche can place a link of porn website in your comment section to hurt your SEO. This is called negative SEO To avoid this type of a headache you can use Lakshmi plugin.

spam comment list in wordpress
spam comment list

The second one is iThemes Security is all in one plugin and good thing is that it has both free and pro feature.

itheme security plugin
theme security

This plugin helps you to brutal force attack, file permission, file change detection, security detection etc. For new blogger, the free feature is sufficient to protect your website but if you want more security you can go with PRO.

Note: – Before activate this plugin please add your and your team IP address in white list another vise you also lock out.

add your IP address in white list of itheme security
add your IP address

click on I theme security>>setting>>lockout white list.

So this is the list of the best wordpress plugins of 2017 that every blogger must have to make wordpress more featuareble and easy.


A collection of a good plugin is always good for a website. I always recommended all these plugins to my client so that they can reduce human hardwork. One more tips for all of you is that use minimum plugin as much as you can, this trick help your website to run fast and load quickly.

Remember to share this post with anyone who might benefit from this information, including your Facebook friends, Twitter followers and members of your Google+ group! And also Support Us By Liking Our FacebookTwitter, and Google+ Page.

If you have any suggestion or problem about best wordpress pluginsplease feel free to comment below.

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Picture of Fawad Yousuf

Fawad Yousuf

I'm Professional Blogger, SEO, and Digital marketing expert. I started my blog in 2016 with the aim to share my knowledge and experiences for the people associated with my field as well as for the general public.

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