Category: Development

UI trends
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UI Trends You Should Be Keeping Up With

UI trends design is considered one of the most exciting and creative fields of work. It is one of the in-demand professions in the tech industry. However, what many overlook is the fact that the software industry keeps evolving with each passing day. As a result, you will always have

Is Java a secure programming language
hitech work

Is Java a secure programming language?

Java programs are not as vulnerable as you might think at first glance. Java security is a generic term that encompasses a variety of features and services in the Java programming language and runtime.  From the point of view of a programmer or network security engineer, there are three categories

Magento vs. WooCommerce
hitech work

Magento vs. WooCommerce [What Platform to Choose in 2024]

Batman or Superman? Iron Man or Captain America? Blair or Serena? I bet you have some favs among these long-time competitors. But what about Magento vs. WooCommerce? If you own an Ecommerce Business or are about to build it, you must have heard of them. Both ecommerce platforms are popular

hitech work

What is full-stack development is and why it is a buzz today?

Full-stack development is the buzzword today in the software development industry. Growing demands for full-stack developers grab the attention of people. Therefore, we have attempted to acknowledge the term and which tech stacks are involved, as well as what benefits they are offering. Penetration of software is in every sphere

hitech work vs PHP: Which one is the right choice?

Recently, I asked a basic question to my end users – Can you imagine living in today’s world without the internet? And their answers were like, it feels as if there is no air to breathe, not possible – it’s a basic need, its unimaginable and so forth. I mean

PWA Studio
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What is the difference between PWA Studio and the current Magento frontend

PWA for eCommerce is a revolution, the gift that everyone has been waiting for. Technology that generates content quickly and delivers it to the user, offers low-cost scalability, is secure, convenient and opens new horizons for business growth is destined for success in an area for which these are key

Web Development Languages
hitech work

Web Development Languages That You Need To Know About

Technology, and specifically the Internet, plays a vital role in our daily lives. From the highly sophisticated-looking web apps to the static single-page website, every website is a piece of software that a web developer builds. Being a web developer is an attractive career path for many – In fact,