Category: Hosting

WordPress Hosting
hitech work

WordPress Hosting: How to Choose the Right Hosting Plan and Provider 

At its core, WordPress web hosting is specifically optimized to run WordPress. The precise features offered may vary based on the type of WordPress hosting you select. However, it commonly includes features like one-click installation, simplifying the process of setting up WordPress on your site, and automated updates for the

hosting provider
hitech work

Common mistakes to avoid when choosing a hosting provider

Many hosting providers are different & offer many other benefits. It is important to compare many hosting services before choosing the right hosting for your type of project. This article will list common mistakes people make when choosing a hosting provider so you can avoid making these mistakes too! Also

Dedicated Hosting
hitech work

VPS vs. Dedicated Hosting: Which one is Right for You?

The most popular types of web hosting are VPS, shared hosting, and dedicated hosting. The most basic type is shared hosting, which is suitable for personal blogs or other small static sites. This article will look at the bigger players in the game: dedicated vs VPS. Table of Contents Toggle

cPanel Definitive Guide
Fawad Yousuf

cPanel: Definitive Guide

How to make your website experience and management less grueling? The answer: cPanel You can also check How To Install WordPress With Softaculous In Cpanel What is this cPanel? it has two definitions. One is a bit formal and the other one is for the layman. The formal definition will