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How Packaging Affects Customer Behaviour

buying behaviour of customers

Undoubtedly, how consumer products are packaged, labelled and displayed can have a profound impact on the buying behaviour of customers. Indeed, certain product labels and branding can elicit specific desired responses from consumer audiences. Warmth, positivity and brand loyalty, for example, or even, urgency, and a burning desire to purchase the product in question. But how exactly does product packaging work to affect customer behavior? Just keep reading to discover more about this clever marketing technique, and its impact on the way we make purchases as consumers.

Different Types of Consumer Goods Packaging

There are several different types of consumer goods. And, crucially, the different ways in which these goods are packaged are specifically designed to elicit certain behavioral responses from customers. Some examples of producing packaging types include: And you may also checkout How to Attract Insurance Leads to Grow Your Business?

a) Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) Packaging

Fast-moving consumer goods, also known as FMCG, is an umbrella term that usually refers to perishable items with short-term use-by or expiry dates. As such, FMCG products have a comparatively reduced shelf life, which means they must be sold quickly! For this reason, fast-moving consumer goods packaging purposely incorporates strategically designed FMCG branding.

It is important to note that FMCG products – such as perishable food and beverage items, as well as pharmaceutical products – also exist in an overly saturated marketplace. For this reason, for a certain FMCG product to stand out from the others, its packaging and branding must be both eye-catching and unique.

FMCG branding is specifically designed to be highly visible, stand out from the crowd, and immediately catch the eye. This type of branding is often brightly coloured, attention-grabbing, and most importantly, instantly appealing. By using these branding design techniques, FMCG packaging is purposefully created to encourage consumers to purchase specific products with urgency. As such, FMCG packaging aims to tempt customers and draw them in – causing them to pick up a certain product from the shelf, from among a row of other similar products. 

b) Retail Packaging and Label Design

Other than FMCG, food and beverage, and pharmaceutical packaging, there is also a tailored science behind how retail products and packaged, labelled and displayed on shelves in stores.

Of course, while retail products tend to have a much longer shelf life than fast-moving consumer goods or FMCG products, retailers still want them to have a fast turnover rate. This is also known as having a high inventory turnover ratio. That is to say, the goal here is still to have retail stock inventory selling quickly, and quite literally flying off the shelves!

As such, just like fast-moving consumer goods packaging branding, retail labels are also specifically designed to elicit certain reactions from customers and to inspire and trigger buyer behavior.

Packaging Design and its Effect on Consumers’ Buyer Behaviour

Needless to say, it has been well documented, observed and demonstrated that packaging can have a certain effect on consumer buying behavior. Some of these effects include:

Packaging Design and its Effect on Consumers’ Buyer Behaviour

a) Convincing Customers That A Certain Product is of Superior Quality

By using specific textures, colours and materials in your packaging, you can convince customers that your product is of superior quality when compared to other products on the market. For example, using high-quality materials to package your products will attract a certain target demographic who may be seeking luxury or high-quality goods.

b) Creating Urgency Around the Desire For and Purchase of a Product

You can also create customer urgency to purchase your product through its branding and packaging. This is especially important for FMCG or fast-moving consumer goods, and products that have a reduced shelf life.

c) Encouraging Brand Awareness and Customer Loyalty to a Brand

By designing brand packaging that is unique and instantly recognizable by customers, you can grow brand awareness for your products. This can in turn also inspire consumers to consistently choose your brand over others. This is also known as customer loyalty.

How to Elicit a Specific Desired Response from Customers By Using Strategically Designed Packaging and Labelling

How to Elicit a Specific Desired Response from Customers By Using Strategically Designed Packaging and Labelling

Make Sure Your Product’s Packaging is Uniquely Recognizable

As mentioned, this packaging design technique ties in with brand awareness and customer loyalty. To make your packaging appear unique, memorable and instantly recognisable, stick to specific brand colours, logos and text. This will make your product stand out amongst a saturated marketplace of competitors with similar products.

Have Your Packaging Appear as Attractive and Appealing to Your Target Audience as Possible

Another way to encourage brand loyalty is to appeal to your customers’ emotional and visual sensibilities. For instance, you can inspire specific psychological responses – such as connection, warmth, and other positive connotations – by using strategic packing colours, textures and shapes that appeal directly to your audience and the sensations they associate with them.

Strategically designing your product branding and packaging goes a long way in influencing the buyer behaviour of your customers. Most importantly, by using clever packaging, you can encourage customers to not only buy your products but to become loyal to your brand. And, undoubtedly, return purchases are what underpins the success of any business!

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