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Neuralink Cancels the Second Human Brain Implant Process Due to Medical Issues

Neuralink Cancels the Second Human Brain Implant

Neuralink planned to implant its brain chip in a second human patient in the previous month. But Neuralink cancels the second human brain implant process due to medical issues with the patient. So, currently, Elon Musk is looking for a candidate to get its brain chip as its human trial continues.

According to Bloomberg reports, Neuralink will probably find another candidate, and Michael Lawton plans to do the surgery next month at the Borrow Neurological Institute in Phoenix, Arizona. The CEO of Borrow, Lawton, states that selecting the right patient for a trial like this is important because everybody involved, clinically and surgically, wants to get it right.

However, the former second candidate who did not get the chip implant has ALS or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis disease. That is why Neuralink cancels the second human brain implant procedure. ALS causes muscle weakness and can affect the candidate’s ability to function physically. It is a fatal disease, with 20 percent of those impacted living for 5 years after the diagnosis and just 5 percent surviving 20 years or more after the diagnosis.

Moreover, Elon Musk said back in May that the Neuralink is specifically for those people who currently don’t have the physical use of their limbs. The first human patient, Noland Arbaugh, has quadriplegia, and he gets the Neuralink brain implant in January. After the chip implementation, he shared in an interview that he can play video games only using his mind and can beat his friends in the games.