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Online Security: The Most Common Online Scams and How To Avoid Them

Online Security

Online Security is a critical topic. It’s something that we all need to be aware of, but it can also be quite scary when you think about the potential dangers out there in cyberspace. There are many different types of online scams, ranging from phishing attacks to identity theft. In this article, we will go over some of the most common online scams and avoid them.

  1. Email scam

Email scamming has become one of the biggest problems on the Internet today. This type of attack involves sending an email with malicious code or links, which then infect your computer if clicked upon. These emails usually come from someone who claims they have won a prize or want money for their services. They may even ask you to pay via Western Union or MoneyGram so they can send you the cash.

How to avoid it?

Don’t click any link within an unsolicited email message. If you receive such messages, delete them immediately without opening them. You should never open attachments sent by unknown people unless you know precisely what’s inside. Also, make sure not to give personal information like credit card numbers or bank account details through email. Also, you can use anti-virus software to scan incoming mail before opening it.

  1. Phone call scam

This kind of fraud occurs when scammers pretend to be calling from a legitimate company asking for sensitive information like passwords, social security numbers, etc. Usually, these calls originate from overseas countries where phone companies don’t require caller ID verification. These call scammers often claim to work at banks, utility providers, government agencies, or other organizations. They might offer you gifts or discounts if you provide certain information.

How to avoid it?

Never respond to suspicious telephone calls requesting confidential information. Never disclose private financial data or banking information over the phone. Always hang up if you feel uncomfortable answering questions asked during a telemarketing campaign. If you do answer the question, verify the authenticity of the organization first using the Internet. Also, reverse phone lookup will help identify the location of the person making the call.

  1. Online shopping scam

This type of fraud happens when criminals hack into websites and change prices or add items to products listed on those sites. For example, they could increase the price of an item after you’ve already placed an order. Or they could remove an item altogether. Online shopping scam has caused a lot of damage because consumers tend to trust retailers more than strangers selling goods online. So once a site gets hacked, customers lose faith in its integrity and stop buying from it.

How to avoid it?

Always check the website address bar before entering payment info. Look for signs of tampering, including missing text or images. Check the date stamp on pages to see whether anything seems off. And always keep track of all transactions that occur while browsing a retailer’s site. When it comes to protection, Spokeo.com ensures that only verified businesses can access your profile. It also provides identity theft insurance coverage. Spokeo lookup tool is available as both a mobile app and desktop version.

  1. Catfishing

It is similar to phishing, but catfishers try to trick victims into believing they’re talking to real people instead of fake ones. Catfishers typically create false identities and profiles on dating apps, Facebook, Google+and others. Once they get enough followers, they start chatting with potential targets. Then they convince them to meet face-to-face, sometimes under the guise of being interested in meeting new friends. They then ask for money, gift cards, or even their Social Security Number.

How to avoid it?

Be careful about who you follow on any platform. If someone follows you back, chances are they are not legit. Also, never give out personal details such as SSN, credit card numbers, bank account numbers, passport numbers, addresses, email IDs. Unless you know the person well.

  1. Booking and online rental scam

A common form of this scam involves booking hotels through third-party websites. These scams usually involve fraudulent charges made by hackers onto unsuspecting users’ accounts. The scammers may charge guests for services not provided or make unauthorized changes to reservations without informing clients. In some cases, thieves have been known to impersonate hotel staff members to steal guests’ personal information.

How to prevent it?

Check the validity of the reservation confirmation code sent via SMS or email. Make sure there aren’t any typos or misspellings. Don’t click links in unsolicited messages. Do not provide sensitive information to anyone. Also, you can use an online tool that will notify you if something suspicious occurs during your stay at one of these hotels. You’ll be notified immediately, so you won’t need to worry about losing your hard-earned cash!

Bottom line

These are just five examples of how cybercriminals take advantage of our digital lives. But we should remember that no matter what kind of scam you encounter, there are ways to protect yourself against it. We hope that this article helps you learn how to spot and avoid these types of scams.

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hitech work

I'm Professional Blogger, SEO, and Digital marketing expert. I started my blog in 2016 with the aim to share my knowledge and experiences for the people associated with my field as well as for the general public.