5 min Read

The Future of OTT: Why OTT Platforms Are Gaining Popularity

OTT Services

If you are new to the whole concept of OTT platforms, you probably have dozens of questions you’d like to ask to clear up some of the confusion. Unfortunately, some of the answers you get may just leave you more confused than you already were.

OTT stands for Over-the-Top and in its most basic definition, it’s literally nothing more than streaming media, but then again, it is so much more! Without getting too technical, let’s get down to some of the basics so that you will begin to see why OTT platforms are gaining in popularity even as you are reading this.

Here Is Where the Confusion Begins

Most often OTT is delivered to a device capable of receiving streaming media such as Roku, Amazon Fire, PlayStation gaming consoles, but not generally a television hooked up to basic cable. The streaming media you receive via an OTT platform is delivered via the cable network and here is really where the confusion begins. If OTT is delivered via cable connectivity, then how is it differentfrom premium cable channels or broadcast networks delivered over a cable connection?

Similarities and Differences

When you begin hearing about OTT Services you will often hear a comparison between OTT and cable services or OTT and broadcast services. With OTT services provided by a service like Red Bee Media, you can have your own media launched, delivered to your audience via an internet connection and if you want to be an indie label, you will own your content, but the OTT service will handle the technology once your video is shot and edited. This is the main difference between broadcast, cable, and OTT transmissions. OTT is not owned by a network – it remains all yours.

The Difference Is in the Technology

Actually, the one thing you will definitely need is that smart device, computer, gaming system or app like Roku or Amazon Fire. The technology in a television is insufficient to decode the packets being streamed in three layers. However, that isn’t really accurate after all because smart televisions do, indeed, have that capability!

They can decode the packets of information in short bursts so that you can begin viewing almost immediately while further bits of data are being downloaded as you begin watching your streaming video or listening to your streaming music. Now you can begin to see how you were initially confused.The difference is in the technology that is delivered over cable connectivity.

The Future of OTT and Why It is Gaining in Popularity

Let’s for just a moment, go back to that very basic definition in which we see that OTT content is brought to you via an internet connection that is delivered along a cable network. However, unlike broadcast and cable networks, one of the most amazing features of OTT content is that it doesn’t need to be a major production. Businesses can create marketing content that can be streamed, and this is something billions of viewers access every day. It is the most significant difference between network shows and OTT shows. How-to videos are among the most popular searches on YouTube and that, in a nutshell, is OTT content.

Why is it gaining in popularity? Imagine how many companies will be able to benefit from their content formatted for OTT delivery. What an amazing way to build brand and all at a cost so much less than what you would pay to produce a network infomercial! From budding actors and musicians to businesses within every industry, this is the future of developing a brand that will be brought right into the homes of viewers who can then follow and/or subscribe to your unique brand.

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hitech work

I'm Professional Blogger, SEO, and Digital marketing expert. I started my blog in 2016 with the aim to share my knowledge and experiences for the people associated with my field as well as for the general public.