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UX page design: 3 Steps Every Designer Should Follow

UX page design

If you’re a designer, then you know that good design is more than just pretty pictures and fonts. 

It’s about understanding how people interact with your product, and the best way to do that is by putting yourself in their shoes. 

But what if you don’t have any users (or enough) to test your designs on? That’s where wireframing comes in! If you’re looking for a UX company that could help you with your UX designs, then you’ve come to the right place! We at Limeup.io help customers reach their digital marketing goals without any hassle! Contact us now! 

Wireframes are simple visual mockups of an interface before it’s polished into a finished product–they can help designers think through every step of their process before they start building out site designs from scratch. 

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Start with Wireframing

Wireframing is the first step in the design process. It’s not just a quick way to get your ideas down on paper or a computer, but it also helps you visualize what you’re designing.

You can use paper sketches or create wireframes with tools like Axure, Invision, and Proto.io (which is free).

Do a User Research Study

User research is the most important part of any design process. It helps you understand your users and their needs, which will help you create a design that’s useful and usable–and it also allows you to make sure that the final product works well for real people.

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It can be tempting to skip this step to get right into wireframing or prototyping, but there are plenty of reasons why doing user research first is crucial:

  • You’ll know what kind of content works best for each type of user (e.g., tips on how women can improve their appearance).
  • You’ll know what kinds of features people want from your product (e.g., more options for sharing photos).

Write Personas

Personas are fictional characters that represent your target audience. They help you understand their needs, which in turn helps you create better content and a better user experience.

Personas are used for different reasons in different industries, but there are some clear benefits to using them:

  • They give you an idea of who your users are and what they want from your products or services. This allows you to focus on the things that matter most to them so that when they click on an article or sign up for something new, they’re happy with what they find.
  • Personas also help guide how much time and resources should be spent on various parts of the process–from product research through design/development into testing/release–all while keeping track of any changes made as part of this process over time (for instance, if there was ever a change made along one part).

Set up A/B Testing on Your Site

A/B testing is a great way to find out what works and what doesn’t on your landing pages. You can use A/B testing to see which versions of your landing page convert best and then test them again with more people to get a better gauge of how well they’re performing.

If you’re not familiar with A/B testing, it’s just comparing two versions of the same page (or even multiple pages) to see which performs better under various conditions. For example: if you want to know if adding an image header will increase click-through rates, then you would create two different versions of the same thing–one without images and one with images–and track their performance through Google Analytics or something similar so that you can see which strategy worked best overall!

Understand How to Use the Right Tool for the Job

The first step in designing an effective UX page is to understand how to use the right tool for the job. For example, if you want to create a simple landing page that tells users about your product or service, using Photoshop and Illustrator could be overkill. In this case, we recommend using Adobe Muse for creating mock-ups and simple wireframes.

When it comes to designing a complex website like ours (which has multiple pages), it’s important not only to choose the right tool but also to use it effectively so as not to waste time or money on projects that aren’t going anywhere in development terms.

Get Your Web Design and Developer in One Place

Web design and development is a complex process, and it’s important to have a dedicated team that can handle all of the details of your project. If you’re looking for a new agency that can help you with both web development and user experience (UX), then I suggest partnering with one that specializes in both fields.

Here are some things to consider when hiring an agency:

  • How much experience does the team have? There are many different kinds of agencies out there–some focus solely on page design while others offer full-service solutions including wireframing, prototyping, and user testing. You’ll want to make sure yours has enough experience under its belt before committing any serious money toward their services.
  • Are they responsive or nimble? Both terms refer back to how quickly they respond when I call them up with questions about my website or app project; responsiveness means being able to get back to me within 24 hours while nimbleness means being able to update my site quickly without having too many people involved at once (which happens when projects grow too large).

Create a Call to Action that’s Clear and Simple

The call to action is the most important part of your page. It should be easy for users to understand and take action on. This means it should be relevant, visible at all times, tested with users, and consistent with other elements on the page (like color).

You want to make sure that you don’t get tempted by something flashy or complicated–you need a simple CTA that people will understand immediately so they can easily convert into leads or customers.

Fill Out All the Details of Your Landing Page

Once you’ve completed the initial draft of your landing page, it’s time to fill out all the details. There are a few basic things that should be included:

  • Your contact information. This includes your name, email address, phone number, and website (if applicable).
  • Social media links. You can use these as buttons on your website so that users can share them with their friends or followers via social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter. Additionally, if you’re using Stripe for payments then make sure this information is accurate!

A Great Design is only as good as its Usability and Effectiveness

Design is more than just visual. It’s how easy it is for users to use the product, how well it solves a problem, and how well it works for its intended purpose.

If you want your design to be effective and usable, then follow these tips:

Test your designs with real people who are familiar with your products or services before you put them into production. This will help ensure that they’re easy enough for anyone who might use them (even non-designers).

Make sure there aren’t any obvious usability issues: if something doesn’t work as expected, fix it!

Use Grids and Align Your Content

A consistent grid is an important part of a good design. It’s also one of the easiest ways to make sure you’re creating a visually appealing page that users can easily navigate through and understand what’s on it. 

When designing for mobile devices, it’s important to use grids because they help create a better experience for users who are viewing your site from their phones or tablets (I’ll talk more about this later). 

If you have multiple pages on your website, then use the same style of the grid so everything feels cohesive across every page–this will also help readers find their way around as well as create consistency between each section within those pages too!

Minimalist Design

The minimalist design style is a type of design that focuses on simplicity. It takes away clutter and distractions, removing anything that doesn’t add value to your content.

Minimalist websites often use two different kinds of color schemes: muted tones, which are based on black or white; and warm colors like reds and yellows with accents of blue or green to create contrast between sections.

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Design for Mobile First

Mobile-first is a philosophy, strategy, tactic, and concept. It’s also a practice that has been adopted by many companies over the years.

While this strategy can be applied to any website or app–not just those designed for mobile devices–it’s especially important for UX designers who are designing for both desktop and mobile screens.

Maintain Consistent Colors and Sizes

Consistency is important. Users should be able to navigate your site easily, and they should know what to expect from each page. Make sure that all of the content on your pages uses the same fonts and styles so that users don’t get lost in an ocean of text when they look at a single webpage.

Use icons instead of big images for links (and avoid using too many links). Icons are much easier for people to remember than long URLs or tiny photos, which is why we often use them as favicons in our browsers–but they can also help simplify navigation within an app or website if you include them on every page (for example, by linking directly back home button).

Use a Clear Hierarchy to Organize Content

Many elements can make or break your site’s usability. One of the most important ones is how you organize your content. Your website should be easy to navigate, which means its pages need to have clear hierarchies and consistent color palettes.

In addition, your design must be easy on the eyes: use large font sizes, bold text, and plenty of white space (which helps users focus their minds while they’re reading). You should also include a call-to-action button at the end of each section so visitors know exactly what you want them to do next–this helps with conversions! Finally, give yourself credit for making a great first impression; using the contrast between light gray backgrounds against dark gray text will make users feel comfortable immediately upon landing on your page.

Test Your Designs with Real Users, not Just on Paper but in Person Too!

User testing is essential to the UX process. It’s a way to test your designs with real users, not just on paper but in person too!

There are several ways you can find real people:

  • Buy a list of volunteers from Craigslist or Facebook Ads. If you don’t have time for this right now, try searching for “test subjects” on sites like Upwork instead; they’ll send over a sample size that they’ve already gotten approval from their manager (or more likely just assume they’re good enough). You can also hire someone who’s been doing user testing as part of their job (e.g., if you’re working at an agency).
  • Ask friends or family members if they’d be willing to participate in an informal study session where we show them just one-page design at a time–we call this “low fidelity” because we’re not showing them our final product yet and just want feedback about what works well without having any expectations about how things look when finished.* On top of these options there are many other ways online research tools might help narrow down which type(s) of user experience design approaches would work best before moving forward with anything concrete.*

Consider How You Can Utilize Images or Video for Different Purposes. 

Images and video are powerful tools that can be used to give people a better understanding of what you’re offering, make your page more visually appealing, or help tell a story. For example, if you’re selling an e-book on Amazon’s Kindle store, it might be helpful to show readers why they should buy the book through an image showing how much money they would save by doing so (rather than simply making them click through).

Consider how much time is needed for each stage of user interaction with your design–from initial exploration up until purchase completion. For example: if someone lands on a page looking for information about something but doesn’t want any additional features at this point in their journey (like buying), then being able to quickly glance at other options may help fill out more of their needs without having them hunt around too much.

Keep things simple and easy to navigate to make it easy for readers to get what they need from your page.

Users don’t want to spend a lot of time on your site, so don’t make them scroll too far down the page to find what they’re looking for.

Make sure the most important information is visible at the top of the page–including any links or buttons that might help users navigate through your site.

Write Clear Copy that’ll Improve Someone’s Experience on Your Site by Providing Useful Information

The first step to improving your site’s user experience is writing clear, concise copy. You should be able to skim through the text and understand what it’s about in just a few seconds.

Use short sentences and paragraphs with bulleted lists to break up the text into sections that are easier for users to scan through. Make sure each section has related subheadings so there’s no confusion about where you’re going next or why certain information is important enough for its section (for example: “What you need” vs “How does it work?”).

You can also use subheadings within larger paragraphs; this helps break up long blocks of text so readers aren’t overwhelmed by them–it also adds more white space on the page which makes things easier on eyesight!

Put Important Buttons at the Top of the Page and Near Each Section’s Title so People Don’t Have to Scroll Too Far Down to Find Them

  • Make sure you’re using the right button size and style.
  • Make sure you’re using the right button color.
  • Make sure you’re using the right placement: at the top of your pages or in a prominent location on each page so that users can easily find them without having to scroll down too much.
  • Use text instead of graphics for all buttons–this will help make them more visible and less intimidating for users who are new to your site or app (if they don’t understand what any particular button does).


We hope you enjoyed learning about the best practices for designing a successful user interface (UI). Whether you’re just getting started in UX design or have some experience but need a refresher course, this article will help you understand the key elements of great design.

Start with wireframing!

Do a user research study to inform your designs and get an objective view of what works and what doesn’t on your site.

Picture of hitech work

hitech work

I'm Professional Blogger, SEO, and Digital marketing expert. I started my blog in 2016 with the aim to share my knowledge and experiences for the people associated with my field as well as for the general public.