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Stuck Using Manual Testing? Here’s How to Break Out of the Rut

Stuck Using Manual Testing

Software testing ensures the proper functioning of core features and product stability.

In the modern software development industry, developers and quality testers use a variety of complex automated testing tools to optimize the testing process. Nevertheless, manual testing remains an important part of software testing.

The test automation tools can make errors in their testing just like any other software will, and sometimes they will fail to test the application as needed.

It is to claim functional features malfunctioning while faulty features are correct. An error-filled test script can lead to several errors during testing. The right decision requires manual testing.

This blog post shall demonstrate how manual testing can still break out of the rut in Software testing.

What is Manual Testing?

An automation testing tool can detect and report bugs and defects in software, but manual testing can identify those problems without it. The testing manual is a procedure in which QA testers test cases manually to consider the end user’s perspective.

Manual software testing ensures that software meets the specific requirements of the client. To ensure the stability and quality of the application, manual testers must plan and implement test cases for all essential features and manually generate test reports.

In testing, testers must determine whether or not there are differences between the observed and expected output of the software; any differences are defined as defects. The developer must then fix these defects and submit the software for testing again.

The software can be tested manually to identify both hidden and visible defects. However, manual testing remains an essential part of software development despite the widespread use of automated testing.

Even though testing procedures require significant effort, they are vital for evaluating newly developed software. The objective is to ensure that all the software’s core features work correctly and lay the foundations for automated testing. We discuss the importance of manual testing in software development in this article.

There are several types of manual testing:

  • Black Box Testing
  • White Box Testing
  • Unit Testing
  • System Testing
  • Integration Testing
  • Acceptance Testing

Manual testing is preferred over automated testing in the following scenarios:

  • During the early stages of development.
  • Especially when testing the visual aspects of user interfaces.
  • Testing that needs to be performed ad hoc or exploratory.
  • If the project is short-term and writing scripts will be more time consuming than manual testing
  • In the case of a test case, that cannot be automated.

Manual testing offers the following advantages:

  • A manual test can be conducted on any type of application
  • Short-life cycle products benefit from this method
  • Manually executing newly designed test cases is recommended
  • Before an application can be automated, it must be manually tested
  • Projects with constantly changing requirements or products where the GUI is continuously evolving are better suited to this method.
  • Compared to automated testing, it is cheaper in terms of the initial investment.
  • Manual testing can be started in less time and at a lower cost
  • Ad hoc testing can be performed by testers with this tool
  • The tester does not need to be familiar with automation tools

Demerits of Manual Testing

  • In manual testing, time and resources are essential, or both simultaneously.

Covering all areas of an application requires more Tests; creating all possible Test cases, and executing the Test cases requires more time. When using Test Automation, test execution is faster.

  • A lower level of accuracy

Manual Testing cannot be expected to be more accurate because humans make mistakes. However, if it is test automation / automated testing, the test tool can provide the correct output if you provide suitable logic.

  • Manual testing makes performance testing impractical.

It is impractical to organize thousands of machines/computers and human users. As far as Test Automation is concerned, we can create thousands of Virtual Users using three or four computers, and we can apply the loads and test the application’s performance.

  • It is impossible to compare a large amount of data.

It is impractical to compare two databases that contain thousands of records, but in Test Automation, it is often necessary.

  • The possibility of batch testing exists, but human user interaction is required for each test run.

If it is a Test Automation test tool, it can execute a series of tests without human interaction. Still, in batch testing, user interaction is mandatory for every test case execution.

  • Manual testing makes it difficult to find differences in the size of GUI objects and color combinations, for example.
  • A Manual Test Case has a minimal scope, whereas an Automated Test Case has a much larger scope.

Testing scope is minimal when testing manually because the tester/user can only concentrate on one or two verification points at a time. Still, when testing is automated, the test tool (tool and software) can focus on multiple verification points simultaneously.

  • Repeatedly executing the same tests is time-consuming as well as monotonous.

The same test may need to be run multiple times with multiple sets of test data, and each iteration of testing requires user interaction. With Test Automation using the Test Data data file (either a Text or Excel file, or a Database file), we can easily do Data-driven Testing.

  • It can be tedious to rerun the same set of tests for every release.

Each modified build must be subjected to Sanity Test Cases and Regression Test Cases, which takes time. Once we have created a Test in Automated Testing / Test Automation, the tool can run that Test multiple times quickly. During software maintenance, processing change requests take longer.

Manual testing makes it difficult to simulate many tests. One example would be stress testing. This involves creating a heavy load on a piece of software. Test engineers use this type of testing to experience how an application performs under a high load and find its breaking point. It is often necessary to create hundreds or thousands of requests in a short period of time during stress tests. It may sometimes require many users to connect simultaneously to the application. Manually replicating this kind of behavior isn’t possible for a testing engineer.

Furthermore, complex scenarios are often avoided during manual testing or only occasionally tested. The result is that application tests are insufficient. To simulate these complex cases, testing engineers can use automation.

Why Choose Automated Unit Testing Over Manual Unit Testing?

An application that uses unit testing is developing and testing software. The minor parts of an application, called units, are tested individually and independently to ensure they are working correctly.

The test-driven development (TDD) methodology demands developers to write failing unit tests before moving to higher-level tests.  They then write code to change the application until the test passes. It is essential to write failing tests because it forces the developer to consider all possible inputs, errors, and outputs.

A consequence of using TDD is that an agile team can create a comprehensive set of unit tests that can be run at any time to ensure that the software is still functioning.  As a result, TDD also makes it easier to identify the problem, refactor the application, and fix the bug if the new code breaks something and causes a test to fail.

Using the AAA pattern

Automating unit tests is a critical component of a Continuous Delivery DevTestOps deployment, which is a continuous testing, two-way pipeline for delivering software between an organization and its customers. Unit testing aims to isolate each program component and demonstrate that each one works correctly. In conjunction with other practices such as continuous refactoring and continuous integration, the YAGNI principle can be used to build software units in a way that makes it easier to automate groups or suites of unit tests.

Unit tests are intended for code that does not involve outside dependencies, such as calls to the database or web services.  In addition to being the most straightforward to automate because they target a specific behavior in a small part of a system under test (SUT), they are also fairly straightforward to write in a standard format such as the AAA pattern.

Whenever we talk about automating a test, we refer to writing code that ensures every aspect of the system works correctly. The fact is that these efforts require more time during the early stages of a development project. Still, early investment in automated testing ultimately results in more favorable results than less-accurate manual testing.

As compared to manual testing, automated testing has two main advantages:

  • When developers use automated tests on every build, they become aware of errors faster, which allows them to fix them sooner and for a lower cost.
  • Human testers don’t have to test new features in an application. The auto-test ensures that newly implemented features don’t impact previously implemented features. As web and mobile application sizes continue to increase, QA specialists spend more time manually testing new code. Many developers are reducing the frequency of their tests. Ultimately, the result is lower-quality products that require more frequent and costly bug fixes during later phases of development.

Using LambdaTest For Effortless Automation Testing

With LambdaTest, you can automate testing across 3000+ real browsers and operating systems using test automation frameworks such as Selenium, Cypress, and Appium.

LambdaTest offers numerous features including faster parallel testing, tons of integration with CI/CD tools, HyperExecute – for 70% faster test execution on online Selenium Grid, and more.

Try LambdaTest right now!


In addition, to be able to detect both visible and hidden defects in a program, manual testing is one of the most fundamental testing processes. A defect is defined as the difference between what the software is supposed to do and what it does. Developers fixed defects and provided them to testers for retesting.

It is mandatory to perform manual testing before automating testing for newly developed software. While this testing takes time and effort, it ensures that the software will operate without errors. An individual undertaking manual testing must be versed in manual testing techniques but not in automated testing tools.

The value of manual testing and automation comes from applying the correct type of testing in the right environment. You should now have a better understanding of how manual testing differs from automation testing, along with your knowledge of the advantages and disadvantages of each.

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I'm Professional Blogger, SEO, and Digital marketing expert. I started my blog in 2016 with the aim to share my knowledge and experiences for the people associated with my field as well as for the general public.

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