What’s Google Rich Cards In Webmaster Tool! How To Use It For Better Search Result

Rich Card wallpaper

A Google Rich Cards is a further improvement in the Structure Data Markup. As we know, structure data help Google to understand what content on the website efficiently but not precisely. Some important thing is still missing in Structure Data.

So On 17 May 2016, Google rolled out some changes to improve the structured data Markup, so that search engine can understand website Content more precisely.

New Search Card in google
New Search Card

The main purpose of introducing Google Rich Cards Function in webmaster tool is to provide a better search result to the user.

Google Webmaster Central Blog says “Rich cards are a new Search result format building on the success of Rich Snippets. Look at the below image to understand the Trend between old and new Search Result (snippet).

Rich card Example wallpaper
Rich Card Example

How search result moves from standard to New Rich Card.

Just like rich snippets, rich cards use schema.org structured markup to display content in an even more engaging and visual format, with a focus on providing a better mobile user experience.

Why Google Introduce Google Rich Cards?

We all know as well as static shows that people’s use mobile rather than PC to search queries on Google.

Think about your smartphone; it’s with you from the moment you wake up in the morning, till you sleep. And how many times do you use your mobile phone? Or search using it?

Mobile is Fundamentally different static
  • We use mobile 150 times in a day to get the information we need.
  • We spend more than 177 min means near about 3hr on the phone in a day.
  • People’s use Mobile Device to check the detail of the product rather than using PC and Conversion rate on the Mobile is 29% greater than over the past.

So, Optimizing your site for Mobile and Use Rich card Functionality to attract more traffic from the search result.

Old and New Search in google;e mobile
Old and New Search

This feature is not only for Recipes of the product or something like this, but A marketer can also use this to,

  1. Get first place in the search result,
  2. Use attractive image to grab attention,
  3. Show instant price or producer detail,
  4. Increase Brand Awareness and
  5. Many more other things

Your competitor using this feature to rank higher than your website and Grabbing more attention. If you don’t use this Rich Card Functionality that means you are kicking yourself out of the race.

Different Type of Rich Card Data At Now

At present time Google supported the following data type are;

  1. Article
  2. Event
  3. Book reviews
  4. Local business
  5. Movies
  6. Restaurant
  7. Software application
  8. TV Episodes

Let us look few of them and understand which kind of tag they have;

Rich Card Articles

In the article Structure data, we have to the mansion

  • the title of the article,
  • author name,
  • Publish date of the article,
  • category,
  • image and,
  • average rating.
Article Data of Rich card
Article Data

This is the information that we need for rich card article.

Now let we see, who it looks when people search in the Google Search Result.

Rich Card In search Result
Rich Card In search Result

However, depending on the product, each has its rules upon how it displays the highlighted data. All article tags correspond to the Schema.org Article schema, and several are required tags while others are optional.

Rich Card Event

Events have its tag, Like

  • Event name,
  • Data,
  • Time,
  • location,
  • ticket etc.

Some of them entry is optional and some of them are recommended.

Event Data of Rich Card
Event Data of Rich Card

If you are going to make an event, then you can Use data highlighter tool to make a structure data and give more information to Google so that whenever someone searches about event google can give them proper information, the user need.

Event Data of Rich Card
Event Rich Card In Search Result

Google also launched Rich Card for Movi, Resturant, Online Course etc. on 21-Nov-2016.

According to Google I/O,

AMP provides Google Search users with a consistently fast experience, so we recommend that you create AMP pages to further engage users. Users consuming AMP’d content will be able to swipe near instantly from restaurant to restaurant or from recipe to recipe within your site. Check ths Live Example

How To Use Rich Card In Webmaster Tool

Under and Rich Card Tab in webmaster tool, you will find only the report of the Rich Card. Why? This is only a search report section. The card that is already available in the search result will be shown here.

  • Click on Search Appearance and then click on Rich Card.
Rich CardOption in google webmaster tool
Rich card Report.
  • If you are familiar with the programming language than you use google structured data testing tool to do this Job.
  • Otherwise, you can use Data Highlighter Tool to mark google rich cards tag.
Data Highlighter Tool
Data Highlighter Tool

Here is a little Video short, How  Data Highloghter Tool Work.


After done with Data Highlighter Tool, wait for few day to see the progress report.

  • Click on Rich Cards under Search Appearance in Google Webmaster Tool.
Rich Card Report in webmaster tool
Rich Card Report

If You still not getting google rich cards Report, here are a few possible reasons:

  1. Make sure you add the Right Property (www and non-www) in the webmaster tool and adding a tag for the right property.
  2. Give time to Google to Crawl your website and show google rich cards report in the webmaster tool.
  3. Make sure your page does not block by the robots txt file or no follow no meta tag. Check it with Fetch as Google.

Useful Resources

Recommended Post


A Google rich cards are the newest way to show your content in a search result on Mobile Device in more actionable and engaging way. A Rich card is not just a card; it is a way to grab more attention and more click from search results without pay any penny on an advertisement.

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If you have any suggestion or problem about google rich cards please feel free to comment below.

Picture of Fawad Yousuf

Fawad Yousuf

I'm Professional Blogger, SEO, and Digital marketing expert. I started my blog in 2016 with the aim to share my knowledge and experiences for the people associated with my field as well as for the general public.