How to Add Admin to Facebook Group or Page?

How To Add Admin On Facebook Group
How To Add Admin On Facebook Group

Curious to know how to add admin to Facebook group or page? If you’re the maker of a Facebook group, you’re automatically its admin or administrator. Additionally, you can be continued as an admin of someone else’s group. After you have members in your group, you can use the group member list to remove (and even permanently ban) undesirable members, promote your most trusted members to administrators or demote your current administrators (if any) back to regular members.

To get started in your career as an admin, take a look at the Edit Group Settings page. You get to this page by clicking the gear icon on your group’s page (under the member photos). This expands a drop-down menu with several options. Choose Edit Group Settings from the menu, which brings you to the Edit Group Settings page.

Running a Facebook page or group can be a lot of work if you have many members. Adding an admin or two to the page can help reduce the work required to maintain the page. Thankfully admin management is easy for both groups and pages – here’s how to do it.

The Edit Group Settings page allows you to revisit some of the decisions you made when you were first creating your group and adjust some settings that tend to be suitable only for people who are admins of large, open groups.

  • Name: Edit the group name here.
  • Icon: You can change your icon at any time from here.
  • Privacy: The privacy level of the group can change here. Changing a secret group to an open group might be a bad idea if people share content they may feel is sensitive.
  • Membership Approval: By default, any member of a group can add other members. You can change this option by requiring admins to approve new members.
  • Group Address: If you want, you can create a group e-mail address and web address. Group addresses appear as something like [email protected], and web addresses appear as something like E-mails sent to the group e-mail address are added as posts to the group wall.
  • Description: Your group’s description appears in the about section of the group the first time new members visit your group page. So this is an excellent place to set expectations for what the group is for and how you expect to use it.
  • Posting Permissions: By default, all members of a group can post in the group. But if you’re the admin of a large group, you may want to change this setting so that only administrators can post. Keep in mind that this can limit discussion!
  • Post Approval: Similarly, if you want to make sure the group’s content is appropriate and relevant, you can choose to have admins approve posts before all group members see them.
How To Add An Admin To A Facebook Group
How To Add An Admin To A Facebook Group

How to Add Admin to Facebook Group? 

In the desktop web client, open the group to which you need to add an admin. You can do this by hitting the Groups icon in the top bar or the left of the feed, then selecting the group you want to manage from the list on the left. When on the group page, you can observe a full list of members by clicking on the Members section, located just under the group name. To make a member and admin, click on the three-dot icon next to their name, then “Make admin” from the drop-down box.

On mobile, the process is very similar. Open the group to which you need to add an admin. Do so by tapping the burger menu, then tapping “Groups,” then selecting the group you wish to manage. When you’re on the group page, tap on the group members’ row of photos just under the group name. This will open the menu of all group members. The method for extending the menu to add an admin varies based on what phone you have.

On Android, you need to click the three-dot icon next to a person’s name and tap “Make admin.”

On iOS, you can tap on their name. Once the menu has appeared, tap “Make <Name> an admin” where “<Name>” is the person’s name. Tap the name or the three dots next to their name and then choose to make admin.

How To Add Admin To Facebook Group
How To Add Admin To Facebook Group

How to Add Admin to Facebook Page?

To add an admin to a page on the desktop web client, you require to open the page. Do so by clicking “Pages” on the left of the main Facebook feed and then selecting the page you want to manage.

Next, you require to click Page settings down in the bottom left. In the left bar, hit on Page Roles, and then the middle section will allow you to add a new admin.

Under Assign a new Page role there is a text box, insert the name of the person you want to be an admin. Make sure to utilize the drop-down box on the right end of the text box to edit the role from the default of Editor to Admin.

Once you’ve set a name and the permissions, click “Add.” You’ll be required to re-enter your password to verify your identity.

Again, adding an admin to a page is much related to mobile. Click on the burger menu, and then tap on Pages to see the list of pages you can manage. Tap on the page you want to manage, then tap the cogwheel in the top right corner to control the page settings. Touch on Page Roles and then Add Person to Page.

Roles control permissions for pages. At this point, you’ll be required to enter your password to verify your identity. Finally, type the name of the person you want to add as an admin and then select “Admin” from the permissions list.


Q: Why can’t I add an admin to my Facebook group?

A: Another source of your difficulty may be that the person you want to add as an administrator hasn’t yet liked the page. For someone to be an admin, he has to like the page initially. Just ask the person to navigate to your page and hit the Like button near the top of the page; then go back and try to add him as an admin.

Q: How do I accept an admin on a Facebook group invite?

A: Click “Pages” under the Explore column on the left side of the news feed. From your Facebook news feed, navigate to the left column and hit Pages that appear under the Explore list. Click the “Invites” tab. Click accept on the page admin invite.

Q: How many admins can a Facebook group have?

A: Yes, a Group can have more than one admin. Keep in thought that once you make someone an admin of a group, they’ll be able to exclude members or admins, add new admins, and edit the group description and settings.